Products using timber that has been certified as legal and sustainable, and forest certified timber

Forests can be regenerated through tree planting, etc., and absorb CO₂ through photosynthesis, so they are considered more sustainable resources than petroleum resources. On the other hand, “illegal logging” is one of the causes of deforestation. Selling illegally harvested timber at unfairly low prices hinders sustainable forest management. The “forest certification” system is one method to prove “legality” and “sustainability” so as avoid buying illegally logged timber and timber products.
Having consumers select and purchase products with certification labels supports and increases the number of sustainable forests that are properly managed.

Forest certification (FM certification, CoC certification)

A forest certification system is a system that certifies that wood is harvested from sustainably managed forests. Forest certification includes FM (Forest Management) certification, which certifies forest management that is appropriate, socially beneficial, and economically sustainable from the point of view of environmental conservation, and that trees harvested from certified forests are certified. There is “CoC (Chain of Custody) certification” that certifies that wood that has been processed and certified without being mixed with non-certified.

Forest certification

Tombow Pencil Forest Certified Products

Tombow Pencil acquired PEFC-CoC certification in 2008, and now we sell “Kimonogatari Forest Certification Pencil”, “Hello Nature” and “Kimonogatari Kakikata Pencil”.

Tombow Pencil Forest Certified Products

Products using forest certified timber

Pencils・Colored Pencils